Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Ward End Park.

Bittersweet trip out to Ward End Park today as it's a great little park but is definitely in the wrong location as the locals couldn't give a damn about it, saying that neither can the Council.

Bird wise it was great to see a few juveniles but not many though, there must have been double figures of both Blue and Great Tit in the trees and bushes where the Council don't ever tend as it's full of used drug syringes and huge amounts of litter as it's left as a 'wild habitat' area for the wildlife to 'enjoy', if your child ever wanders in there and picks up an infected needle, contact Birmingham City Council as they've known about this problem for over ten years now, there were also three Mallard Ducklings, two Coot juveniles, as well as one Coot on the nest as well as Carrion Crow and Magpie fledglings, conspicuous in their absence, especially considering the high number of (semi) resident Canada Goose was any Goslings whatsoever, Birmingham City Council has been known in the past to apply a Petroleum based oil to eggs to prevent them from hatching, I'm not saying categorically that's what has occurred here but it's very strange that there was more than one egg that hasn't hatched on the islands which are almost impossible to reach by the general public.

Also seen above the pool were Swift, on the pool there were Tufted Duck, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Canada Goose and surprisingly Little Grebe and at least one Indian Runner Duck, I've never seen either of these birds here before and I'm guessing the Indian Runner was left by someone as such as the RSPCA, even though Domestic Ducks and a Muscovy Duck were 'dumped' here many years ago and survived quite well until somebody killed them.

Birds seen today were, Nuthatch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chiffchaff, Wren, Dunnock, Wren, Robin, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Woodpigeon, Feral Pigeon, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Swift, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Canada Goose, Little Grebe and Indian Runner Duck.

Last of all I must get back to the state of the place, what an absolute dump! All around the bins there is a disgraceful amount of litter, the pool has to be seen to be believed and the large area of grass is awash with litter, shame on the Council for letting it get in this state and for all the locals that mess it up in the first place and just walk past it day after day, shame really as this could and indeed used to be a lovely little location, it's also got nothing to do with the current situation as it's always been like this, go and have a look at this location if you can and just remember Birmingham City Council have a 'Green Spaces Manager' or some other made up title like that, they 'pride' themselves on how they 'manage' their parks and the fact that is actually a 'Green Flag' awarded location, trust me you'll be amazed!

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